● By Praying - Never say “I can ONLY pray”, as though prayer was some last resort. For it is by prayer, and the power it brings that “Our God changes things”.
Please keep on praying for the Children and staff.
● By Finance - Monetary gifts are received in a number of ways:-
○ Incidentally as folks are able.
○ By regular bank Standing Order.
○ By legacy
○ By church or group collection
○ The Gift Aid scheme enables UK tax payers to increase their gift. By signing a simple form we are able to claim 25p for every £1 donated from HMRC.
If you wish to donate goods to be sent to the Falconer Home, please get in touch first to discuss what can be sent.
Perhaps your church, school, club or group could stage an event to raise funds for the Falconer Trust. Some ideas for event could be:
● Coffee morning
● Bring and Buy sale
● Concert
● Auction of items or promises
● An African evening or meal
● Sponsored event (e.g. walk, run, carwash, cycle ride, danceathon etc.)
● Raffle
● Cake sale
You will no doubt have lots of creative ideas of your own!
If you would like to stage a Zambian evening, the following links will take you to websites with Zambian recipes:
● If you would like to make a single donation payment, you can send a cheque, made payable to ‘The Falconer Trust.
● If you wish to make a regular donation (monthly or quarterly) please download and complete the Standing Order Form below, and send it to us.
● If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider Gift Aid for your donations. This enables The Falconer Trust to claim an extra 25% on top of your donation from the government. You can download a Gift Aid Form below.
● You can now make one-off or regular donations using your credit/debit card. To do so, please click here.
● If you wish to make an online bank transfer, please use the following bank account details:
Barclays Bank
Account Name: The Falconer Trust
Account Number: 73017451
Sort Code: 20-28-20
Have you considered leaving a legacy to the Falconer Trust in your will? The following information will help you to do this.
There are a four main ways in which you can give to the Falconer Trust in your will, depending on your circumstances. They are 1) leaving a share of your assets; 2) leaving a fixed sum of money; 3) leaving property or an item of value; 4) leaving a gift upon the occurrence of a certain event.
A good way to help is to leave a percentage of what is left of your estate or assets, after other gifts (and debts) have been paid. If you have already made a will, but want to add a residuary gift to the Falconer Trust, your solicitor can advise you on how you can do this without affecting the specific gifts you leave your family and friends. Also, inflation will not erode the value of residuary gifts over the years.
You may wish to leave us a fixed sum of money. Alternatively, if you are concerned that inflation may erode your gift over the years, then it is also possible to leave an index linked pecuniary gift in your will.
You may wish to leave us a particular item (known as a specific bequest), which can be sold to support our work. It could be property or an item of value such as an antique or a piece of jewellery.
A gift in your Will that depends upon the occurrence of an event which may or may not happen is known legally as a contingent bequest. An example is a bequest to a charity which applies only if other beneficiaries named in the Will die before the testator (person who made the Will).
If you have already made your will, you can amend it by a document called a Codicil. A codicil can be used to make minor alterations to your will, though if you wish to make major amendments, you would need to write a new will.
You are strongly advised to seek the help of a solicitor or other professional adviser, who will help you with the wording of your gift.
We are grateful to receive donations of finance (regular or single gifts), or of goods to send to the Falconer Home. You can find more information on how to do this on our 'How Can I Help?' page.
Tel: 01953 884468
email: info@thefalconertrust.co.uk
3 Linmore Court
Threxton Rd. Industrial Estate
IP25 6NG
The Trustees of the Falconer Trust are:
Dennis Webb
Geoff Webb
Terry Martin
Duncan Stansfield
Susan Stansfield
Registered Charity No. 280864