We are delighted to welcome Duncan and Susan Stansfield as new Trustees of the Falconer Trust. The Stansfield family have been great supporters of the work over many years, and have visited the Home. We look forward to their valuable input as we see the work progress in the coming years.
Much of southern Africa has been hit by a devastating drought over the past year. Zambia, like several other countries, has declared a state of emergency. At the farm belonging to the Falconer Home, last year's maize crop failed, resulting in enormous difficulties providing the nshima which is the staple diet on Zambians.
To combat this, Simon and his team are planning to install an irrigation system at the farm, which would mean that crops could be grown despite the drought - possibly two crops per year. This would mean that food can be grown to feed the children, and also to sell and generate an income.
Thanks to amazingly generous donors, work has already begun. Much of the equipment, including a solar river pump and solar panels, has already been purchased. The plan is that water would be pumped from the river to water towers in three locations - a field where maize is grown, another field for other crops (soya, sorghum, ground nuts, sunflowers, chillies), and an area where livestock will be kept.
We praise God for making this possible, and thank our wonderful donors who have given so generously.
Work is continuing on various buildings at the Falconer Home. The girls' dormitory, which is being built around the shell of a derelict church, is now at the stage of beginning work on the roof. Work also continues on an ablution block and a kitchen.
We are grateful to receive donations of finance (regular or single gifts), or of goods to send to the Falconer Home. You can find more information on how to do this on our 'How Can I Help?' page.
Tel: 01953 884468
email: info@thefalconertrust.co.uk
3 Linmore Court
Threxton Rd. Industrial Estate
IP25 6NG
The Trustees of the Falconer Trust are:
Dennis Webb
Geoff Webb
Terry Martin
Duncan Stansfield
Susan Stansfield
Registered Charity No. 280864